
No Resolutions, Only Goals

Ever since I was a kid I loved New Year's Eve, because I enjoyed looking back and the excitement of the future. The new year was a new adventure, a blank slate, and the unknown. What I never liked was resolutions, because it seemed like this stupid tradition where adults would make promises they never had any intention of keeping. When I would get back to school and my teacher had the resolutions assignment I would answer the same way: I will try to be a better person. That way it was something I could stick to.

Then there was a Plurk discussion whether it was better to have resolutions or goals. I like the idea of goals much better because they can be adjusted, the time frame varies depending on the goal, and more goals can be added as the year progresses. As I began to build new goals and continue some goals from the past I came across another great Plurk where the author shared the website Five Big Questions. It is a great video and a great starting point for goal building.

So here are my 2009 goals even though some are long term goals and goals that I will have for years to come:
  1. To keeping myself to be a better educator. I want to keep creating new projects and learning new tools to push the limits of my students. I never want to be bored or "comfortable" because then the students don't get my best.

  2. To build my PLN and be an active member. My PLN has given me so much that I want to give back more in the new year and keeping connecting with the most innovative educators in the country.

  3. A little less conversation, a little more action. It is easy to get wrapped up in the school's complaining group and I admit that I didn't fight the good fight as much this school year. I need to be that voice for technology integration throughout the school.

  4. As I enter my last semester of grad school and have to complete a capstone project, I want to build something that can be useful for my school.

  5. Find some balance. I have been dedicating myself to school, grad school, and family obligation. I hope to build in my time for fun and living life.

I better stop there or I might be overwhelmed! Here is to a great new year where anything is possible.


Bradley said...

Great posst thankyou